A Letter to The Editor of My Local Newspaper
Dear Editor,
As an alumnus of the WVHS class of 2007, I support Tiffany Howell, Bill Fanos and Bob Larsen for the school board. I trust that they will not allow identity politics to direct Warwick’s education.
I read the newly-proposed educational framework for our district. Although I think it does offer some decent points, in its current form I cannot get behind it.
It speaks a great deal about equity without giving much — if any — assurance that equity-based practices will not use race, gender or other kinds of identity to determine which students should be given more help than others. In fact, it strongly points towards doing exactly that.
The framework would also create a false impression of American society by making the exaggerated notion of institutional/systemic racism a central tenet of our education. It would likely help foster an environment of resentment, undue self-guilt and hypervigilance.
Recent events at Smith College should warn us what can happen when this sort of ‘woke culture’ guides a school’s actions. I ask my fellow Warwickians to vote for Howell, Fanos and Larsen in order that this may not take place in our schools.
Kevin Kelly
Further reading: Is New York’s Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Framework a good idea? Not so fast.